Balanced and Euphoric. Many refer to it as the perfect high.
Harnessing the synergy between ∆9 THC and CBD, the LEVEL 1:1 Protab provides a more balanced high, decreasing the intensity that sometimes occurs when using ∆9 THC by itself. This classic 1:1 ratio of ∆9 THC and CBD is one of the most popular formulations due to the entourage effect produced by these two popular cannabinoids. CBD:THC 1:1 formulations have been shown to act as an anti-inflammatory, help manage pain, relieve anxiety, and promote sleep.
Each extra-strength tablet contains 12.5 mg of THC and 12.5 mg of CBD with 10 tablets to a box for a total of 250 mg. The Protab is highly effective and long-lasting, with a duration of 3–6 hours. Should you want to consume a lighter dose, they’re scored so you can easily split one in half.
Better than an edible, the LEVEL 1:1 Protab is are formulated with cannabinoids and terpenoids. No botanicals, vitamins, adaptogens, or caffeine. LEVEL tablets are produced to the highest scientific standards for consistency, fidelity, and predictable effects. They are vegan, sugar free, gluten free, and calorie free.
Calm and in control. The best way to approach each day.